Flexible working for all

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Our 72 Hour Return Policy*
We endeavour to make an initial response to all enquiries within 24 hours but please be aware that on some occasions due to prior commitments or volume of calls we will not be able to respond in that time frame. We also operate a 72 hour return policy. This return policy means that if we have not responded with 72 hours of your initial enquiry we are unable to do so due to current workloads and we will destroy your data accordingly. This policy ensures you are not left waiting and have the certainty that your data is not compromised. In most instances however we are able to make contact within a 24 hour time frame. Please note our free initial advice service is available to clients at our total discretion and if your case is of a complex nature we may not be able to offer you a free consultation. However in these instances we will advise you what the charge would be for an initial fixed fee consultation.
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The long awaited extension to the rules around flexible working comes into force on 30th June 2014. At the moment only employees with 26 weeks service who are either parents of children under the age of 16 (18 if they are disabled) or those with caring responsibilities for a spouse, relative or adult living with them are eligible to make the request. The procedure at present is also very prescriptive requiring employers to hold a meeting with the employee to discuss the requirement within 28 days and to provide a written outcome and there is the right of appeal with even tighter time limits of 14 days. The request must be turned down on one of the specific grounds which ACAS details in their draft code of practice for handing flexible working requests.

For requests made after 30th June 2014, employees will still need 26 weeks service but will no longer need to be a parent or have caring responsibilities. Any employee can make the request to have their application considered. Gone is the strict procedure for employers to follow which is instead replaced by the need to act reasonably and to inform the employee of the outcome within three months of the application request. Employers will still need to use one of the prescribed reasons to decline the application. The right remains the right to request flexible working rather than the right to have it.

Written by
Edward Aston
22nd May 2014