Guidance on bring your own devices

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Many employees now bring their own devices (BYOD) into the work place. This can be ipads, iphones, blackberrys etc and use them for both work and personal use. There are benefits to BYOD including:

  • Increased flexibility and efficiency in working practices.
  • Improved employee morale and job satisfaction.
  • A reduction in business costs as employees invest in their own devices.

The boom in BYOD has been matched with an upsurge in activity by criminals trying to exploit the data and intellectual property stored on personal mobile devices. The use of personal mobile devices for business purposes increases the risk of damage to a business’s IT resources and communications systems, confidential and proprietary information and corporate reputation.

Businesses should ensure that any Internet/Computer policy covers BYOD and that they have a policy in place for their use. This can be a single policy or incorporated into other relevant policies.

The guidance is quite technical but covers both guidance for managers on whether to implement a BYOD approach is for their organisation and guidance on planning and implementing your BOYD policy including security.

If employers need to review their policies or implement a BYOD policy, the guidance will be of less relevance as the decision to allow BYOD will have already been made. In such cases employers should seek advice on their policies and procedures.

Written by
Laura Warrender
8th December 2014