Unfair Dismissal – Consideration of Furlough as Alternative to Redundancy

We are now starting to see cases arising out of furlough leave. Two recent cases of Mhindurwa v Lovingangels Care Limited ET/3311636/2020 and Handley v Tatenhill Aviation Limited ET/2603087/2020 have been published. They provide helpful guidance on making redundancies during the operation of the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS). In the case of Mhindurwa, it […]

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Covid 19: Change to Self-Isolation Rules

From Monday 16th August 2021, fully vaccinated adults (who have had their second dose at least 14 days prior to contact with a positive case) and children will be free to return to work, attend school and meet friends and family as the protection from vaccines replaces the need for contact isolation. These changes were […]

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Forstater v CDG Europe – what does it mean?

Have you read the press about this case which has raised some interesting questions like what are the limits on a person’s right to express deeply held beliefs? The case itself involved the topic of sexual identity with Forstater claiming she was dismissed from her job because she held and sometimes expressed her belief that […]

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Hybrid working (working remotely and in the workplace)

Acas has published some new advice on hybrid working. If you are considering introducing different ways of working you will need to formulate your policy and decide how requests will be dealt with and managed. This will include dealing with requests fairly whilst balancing the needs of the business. The Acas guide is a good […]

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S44 of the Employment Rights Act 1996

  Currently under s44 of the Employment Rights Act 1996 an employee can bring a claim in the Employment Tribunal if they are subjected to a detriment because they reasonably believe that being at work puts them (or someone else, such as a household member) in serious, imminent danger. In the past this has not […]

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Can an employer require employees to be vaccinated against COVID-19?

Acas advises employers to encourage and support their staff without making vaccination a requirement, for example, by offering paid time off to attend vaccination appointments. The Acas guidance previously acknowledged that employers may need to make vaccination mandatory where it is necessary for an employee to do their job, for example, where they are required […]

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