Working Parents’ Rights in Focus

Recent CIPD research has been undertaken into working parents. The report can be found here: Employer Focus on Working Parents The key findings of the research include: Most organisations interviewed (49%) have a paternity or partner leave policy that allows for the legal minimum requirement of one or two weeks’ leave. Only 3% allow three […]

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Is there a maximum temperature for workplaces?

No. There is no UK law that states a given temperature is either too hot or cold to work in.  However, according to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) workplaces should ideally be at least 16C or 13C if the job is mostly physical. The Health and Safety at Work Act means that employers are […]

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Long Covid Held to be a Disability

In the case of Burke v Turning Point Scotland , the Tribunal Judge held that an employee with long Covid symptoms was disabled under the Equality Act 2010. The Claimant brought various claims against his employer including for disability discrimination. As a preliminary matter, the Judge considered whether Mr Burke was disabled on the basis […]

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“Fit Notes” Update

From 1 July 2022, the applicable regulations will be amended to allow registered nurses, occupational therapists, pharmacists and physiotherapists to be able to legally certify fit notes. Currently, only doctors are permitted to do this. It is hoped that this change will reduce doctors’ workloads. Further, it is anticipated that it will support and empower […]

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Guidance on the ACAS Uplift

Where an employer (or employee) is found by the Employment Tribunal (ET) to have unreasonably failed to follow the ACAS Code, adjustments can be made to the compensation due that would otherwise be payable. This adjustment can be up to 25%. In unfair dismissal cases, that would be an adjustment of up to 25% of […]

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Employment Tribunal Statistics on Menopause Cases

It is reported that the number of cases reaching Employment Tribunals concerning menopause has increased by 44%. The Menopause Expert Group analysed records and confirmed that: there were 23 Employment Tribunal cases citing menopause in 2021 which was an increase on the year prior (when there were 16 such cases); and the word “menopause” was […]

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