Update on the Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Bill

Update on Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Bill The second reading of the Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Bill was heard in the House of Commons yesterday. Please see previous article for details of the original Bill The main points of note are:- 1. The government will not be implementing Adrian Beecroft’s ‘compensated no fault dismissal’ […]

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The Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Bill

The Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Bill was presented to Parliament on 23rd May. The key employment law reforms under the Bill are listed below: Mandatory Acas Pre Conciliation: Prospective claimants will be required to contact Acas before they initiate certain types of employment tribunal proceedings. This is intended to help both parties come to a […]

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Discrimination – Claims by unsuccessful Job applicants

In the case of Meister v Speech Design Carrier Systems GmbH the job application of Miss Meister, a Russian National was rejected without interview even though her level of experience corresponded with the requirements of the post. In pursuance of her sex, age and race discrimination claims she sought production of the successful candidates file […]

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Judges to sit alone in unfair dismissal hearings

The draft Employment Tribunals Act 1996 (Composition) Order 2012 has been published and is expected to come into force on 6th April 2012. This Order will enable Employment Judges to sit alone in unfair dismissal cases. The current position is that unfair dismissal cases are heard by an Employment Judge and two lay members. The […]

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ACAS Issues Guidance for the Olympics

ACAS has issued its first guidance on how to deal with issues arising from the Olympic Games in the summer; more will follow. The guidance note covers “time off” issues in respect of employees wishing to attend the Games either as spectators or volunteers, or watch it on tv. There is a helpful Q&A section […]

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Employer Liability for Violent Employees

The Court of Appeal has recently considered two cases regarding the issue of when an employer is liable for the conduct of an employee (known as vicarious liability) where that employee assaults another. In Weddall v Barchester Healthcare an employee, Mr Weddall phoned another employee, Mr Marsh and asked him to work a night shift. […]

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